Threatened by an unknown enemy, Earth’s governments unite to form an elite paramilitary organization, known as XCOM. As the commander of XCOM, you must create a fully operational base, research alien technologies, plan combat missions, and lead your soldiers in fierce battles against a terrifying alien invasion. The decisions you make will affect the fate of humanity. You are our last hope.Enemy Unknown Features:
Recruit and level-up soldiers
Discover new weapons and technology
Play randomly generated missions
Engage in strategic combat
Use enhanced touch controls designed for mobile
NOTE: XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a graphically rich game with advanced features. To OPTIMIZE your playing experience, you may want to turn off other apps before playing.The content of this videogame is fictional and is not intended to represent or depict an actual record of the events, persons, locations, or entities in the game’s setting. The makers and publishers of this videogame do not in any way endorse, condone or encourage engaging in any conduct depicted in this videogame.
Threatened by an unknown enemy, Earth’s governments unite to form an elite paramilitary organization, known as XCOM. As the commander of XCOM, you must create a fully operational base, research alien technologies, plan combat missions, and lead your soldiers in fierce battles against a terrifying alien invasion. The decisions you make will affect the fate of humanity. You are our last hope.Enemy Unknown Features:
Recruit and level-up soldiers
Discover new weapons and technology
Play randomly generated missions
Engage in strategic combat
Use enhanced touch controls designed for mobile
NOTE: XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a graphically rich game with advanced features. To OPTIMIZE your playing experience, you may want to turn off other apps before playing.The content of this videogame is fictional and is not intended to represent or depict an actual record of the events, persons, locations, or entities in the game’s setting. The makers and publishers of this videogame do not in any way endorse, condone or encourage engaging in any conduct depicted in this videogame.