Weather Timeline
Climate Timeline is a straightforward climate application that concentrates on outlining the following hour, the following 48 hours and the following week so you don't need to. It introduces the gauge in a course of events to help you rapidly look and overview the data and has a solid concentrate on shade to diagram the climate conditions. The application incorporates current climate cautions/warnings for your picked areas and incorporates a time machine climate gauge so you can take a gander at the conjecture months, even years ahead of time or check what the climate was similar to a few decades prior.
Basic, rich outline
Strong utilization of color to expand intelligibility
Timetable gauge so you can without much of a stretch look at the data
Time machine guaging to check the whether months/years ahead of time
Nearby climate alarms up front
Fueled by the hyperlocal climate administration, Forecast
Supported Android O/S : 4.0.1+
Download : 6Mb APK
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